Gather and Grow

A group space for women who want to be all the way alive in their everyday lives.

“There is no better place to learn the art of loving than in community.”

Bell Hooks – All about Love

Hi, I’m Julia

I work with couples and individuals to find more joy in their relationships and everyday lives.

I have been dreaming up this space for quite some time now. It’s been brewing inside of me as I work with you all and as I hold the in-between knowledge that not many people get to see.

The knowledge that so many of us are going through the same things, at the same time, but thinking we are alone.

The longer I work with couples and women, the more of this loneliness I witness, and the more I’m convinced that we desperately need spaces like this in our daily lives.

Spaces to really FEEL that we are not alone. Spaces to practice using our voice, feeling the power of it and then taking brave action in our lives.

Often you’ll already know what it is you’re longing for, or what you’re needing to change. But it’s scary AF to do anything about this. We NEED people around us who can see us, hold us, help us process, celebrate with us, grieve with us, and support us to keep going.

Also a space to share cool life stuff…like ‘what are you reading’, ‘have you tried these courgette muffins’, and ‘how do you sow bean seeds without them rotting’, ‘l’ve started painting again!’. You know, the ordinary delights of life.

This is that space.

A space for you to gather, play, experiment, and grow. I can’t wait to have you.

Who is this for?

  • This is for you if you’re navigating human relationships and still sometimes feel the ache of loneliness.

  • This is for you if you juggle a lot in your daily life, paid and unpaid labour and caring.

  • This is for you if you are navigating a life transition, beginning or ending and need a safe space to be supported through this.

  • This is for you if the complexities of your life mean that you don’t always have time to access support from the (potentially wonderful) people in your orbit.

  • This is for you if you have a project, creative dream, or life edit that is simmering away in you, but that you never quite manage to dedicate time to.

  • This is for you if you long to be held in community but find it difficult to carve out this for yourself in our daily life.

What are the details?

I’m keeping this simple…

  • We’ll meet fortnightly via Zoom, for 6-months. Zoom calls will be a maximum of 90 minutes.

  • We start in the first week of October (We’ll vote on a day that suits most of us).

  • This will be a coaching space to bring anything you’re navigating currently and would like guidance on. **Please note that this will not be a replacement for therapy.

  • The sessions won’t be recorded, but any resources we share during our time together will be sent out in case you aren’t able to make a call.

  • There’ll be a low-key Whatsapp or Signal group (we can vote on what works best for the most people) where you’re welcome to chat to me and each other between calls.

  • You’ll also get you access to all of my Grounded Families workshops, and any I create during our time together. (This includes my Ordinary Love Couples Course, (£150) Parenting with Difference, Nurturing Your Relationship, Your Relationship Your Way, Why You’re Not Having Sex, and Couples Work With a Reluctant Partner.)

  • There are only 8 spaces available, as I want the group to feel intimate and spacious enough to hold space for each of you.

What does it cost?

There are two payment tiers

Standard rate

£ 100 per month (£600 in total for the 6 months).

The supporter

£125 per month (£750 in total for the 6 months).

You are free to choose whichever rate in manageable for you, this is confidential and makes no difference to your access to the group.

  • 6-month payment plans are available for both tiers