Bespoke Couples Retreat
I have no plans to run another retreat over the next year, but if this is something you’d like to do as a couple do get in touch and we can tailor an intensive day/weekend together.
Get in touch directly at and we can go from there.
Julia x
Elmley Nature Reserve
19th - 21st October 2021
The past 18-months have been HARD on us and our relationships. It's not surprising I've seen more couples who are struggling than ever before in the 10 years I've been practicing.
The good part of this time has been that we haven't been able to ignore things any longer, things that might have been niggling for sometime, maybe even years. The intensity of the last year has brought up ALL the stuff and so I wanted to create a container for you to explore some of this together, or on your own, and help you to carve out some time to reconnect and reset.
This Bespoke Retreat will be a magic mix of rest and expansion, recovery and reconnection. It will be a safe place to plan and dream again, looking at how you'd like things to feel in your life over the next few years.
There will be coaching with me before, during and after we meet at Elmley Nature Reserve so that we can clear about how you'd like to spend the time together and what you'd like to work on.
All your accommodation and meals are included, and there'll be plenty of time to rest, walk, read, sit in front of a fire and look at the stars. I think the setting will be the perfect place to dive into our work together and for you to reconnect with your partner, and yourself.
This is a unique couples experience tailored just for your couple. Are you and your partner struggling to stay connected under the pressures of everyday life?
Do you find it hard to find time to spend with each other without the distractions of to-do lists and family?
Is it time to look at where you are with each other right now, and lay a solid foundation for your relationship going forward?
This will be a time to reset, to stop working, to really look at what’s been challenging over the past while, what’s gone well and where you’d like to go next.
We’ll work through how you’re both managing communication and conflict together, where you are hearing each other and where you are finding it hard to connect.
You will come away rested, energised, nourished and better able to find each other in the busyness of life. I’ll give you practical tools to improve and support the way you connect and communicate your needs with each other so that you’re both feeling heard by each other in a way that you might be struggling to do right now.
You might want to carve out this space out for each other in preparation for a big decision, like getting married, moving, or deciding to have children. Or you might want to use this time to reconnect after years of being together but wanting to recommit to each other and to a relationship that feels more connected and supportive of each other.
Before the retreat we’ll meet via Zoom for a 60-minute session so I can get a sense of what you hope to gain from our time together and what particular areas you’d like to work on, so that when we meet in person we can dive straight into our work together.
The retreat will be hosted at the beautiful Elmley Nature Reserve an island in North Kent 40 miles from London, on a breathtaking 3,300 acres of wilderness. You’ll stay in one of their new huts, Martha’s Hut which offers quiet, privacy and magnificent views of the reserve.
All meals for the duration of your stay will be provided so all you need to do is turn up, ready to reconnect and restore.
You’ll arrive on the Tuesday afternoon and settle in, we’ll meet briefly and then you’ll have the evening to unwind. The next morning we’ll meet for a morning session after breakfast and then again that afternoon. You’ll have plenty of time to make use of the reserve and walk, or nap and read.
On the final morning we’ll have a closing session together after breakfast, before you head off. We’ll then meet via Zoom in 4-weeks time to follow-up together with anything you’d like to cover or continue working on.
Over the two days I want you both…
to feel deeply seen and heard
to rest and recover
to eat nourishing food
to spend time out in nature, to calm your nervous systems and allow yourself to be open and receptive to each other
to have a safe container to share your experiences, hopes and fears
to be guided through anything that might be keeping you stuck, or standing in the way of you both feeling connected to each other in your daily lives
to have a break from the busyness of your everyday lives
to celebrate each other, your journey together and your differences
to leave with a clearer path for your relationship, or any transitions you are navigating
to leave more connected to each other, really seeing and hearing each other again
This is for you if…
You’re who going through a transition, change in life stage, or have a big decision looming.
You and your partner have been together for a while, maybe had children and woken up a few years later and realised they have drifted away from each other.
You are feeling disconnected but can’t put their finger on why, or even when this happened.
You are navigating a big decision together and need to create some space to really dig into things with someone else.
You and your partner need a rest, but who also need some guidance about how to reconnect with each other.
You are needing some fresh energy injected back into their relationship together.
You understand that while this will lay a solid foundation for you as a couple, it is a starting point and not a magic bullet.
This is not for you if…
You think that all the difficulties in your relationship are all your partners fault.
You are not open to sometimes uncomfortable conversations.
You are not open to gentle exploration.
The details
Before the weekend we will meet via Zoom to set the intention for our work together, so that we are able to make the most of our time together.
We will map out areas of work, and plan for how these will be addressed during the weekend. During this call I’ll get a clearer sense of who you are and what you are hoping for from the two days.
We’ll meet again 4 weeks after the retreat to follow-up and make space for any learnings, sticking points and areas you’d like to continue working on.
The investment
£2125.00, payable in full, or an initial 50% deposit with the remainder due 1 month later (two payments of £1062.50 each).
This includes:
Access to my 5-week Connected Couples course for as long as it exists (this usually costs £225)
60-minute Zoom session when you book, to meet you, to plan and to allow you to set your intentions for our time together. (usually £200)
Accommodation at Elmley Nature Reserve for two nights, from 19th-21st October 2021
Meals for the duration of your stay
Intensive coaching with me during the two days (usually £1750.00)
Journals for you to take any notes, and to take with you when you leave
A 60-minute follow up session 4-weeks after we meet. (usually £200)
Not included:
Your travel to and from the venue
Q: Do we have to be married, or living together to find this retreat helpful?
A: No, all couples at any stage in their relationship are welcome. Whatever stage you find yourself at in your relationship you’ll find this a connecting and nourishing experience.
Q: Are LGBTQI couples welcome?
A: Yes, of course - ALL couples are welcome.
Q: We don’t have children, will this still be applicable to us?
A: Yes! This retreat is tailored to YOUR relationship, whatever that looks like, and whoever you are, you are welcome.
Q: It seems like a lot of money, will it really be worthwhile?
A: The price reflects the decision to run for one couple, and that it includes all accommodation, food, 5 coaching sessions AND my Connected Couples course. As to whether it will be worth the amount of money, only you can answer this I’m afraid, but working on your relationship is linked to improved wellbeing and connectedness which is difficult to put a price onto. If your relationship is connected and feels a safe space for you to be, you’ll have more space in your life for kids, for building community, for creativity and wholehearted living. What do you think would be easier in your life if you worked through things in your relationship?
Q: I noticed you are a psychologist as well as a coach, will we be doing therapy or coaching?
A: While there is some crossover between therapy and coaching, we will be doing coaching work on this retreat. You will never be under pressure to speak about topics that feel uncomfortable to you, I want you to feel safe and contained within the bounds of the sessions. All sessions and information divulged within them are strictly confidential, and will never be shared unless I feel you or your partner are in danger of harming themselves of someone else.
Q: My partner and I would really like to book this but we can’t do these dates - do you have other dates available?
A: As this is a bespoke offering, I can work around you. If you’d like to book the same package but at a different time, please get in touch and we’ll see what options you have and will book dates that suit you both.
Love is not about the big stuff, it’s about all the ordinary moments in between.